Support & Encouragement

Refuah Helpline is oftentimes the families’ only source for comfort and support. Who can stand by untouched as a family falls apart from illness and grief? Who can stay indifferent while witnessing young blossoming children who have become victims to vicious diseases? How can one remain apathetic as you watch a parent of young children valiantly fighting for a chance at life?
Thus, Refuah Helpline inadvertently becomes emotionally involved. Our staff becomes personally concerned in our patients’ struggles. It is not unusual to find a staff member wiping away tears as she learns of a beloved patients relapse. It is not rare to find the entire staff rejoicing wholeheartedly as they receive some good news from a dear patient.

Consequently, circumstances and situations occasionally require that one of our staff accompany a patient to a crucial appointment. This is a priceless gift to a patient. It provides them comfort and support knowing that there is someone there for them, both to help them navigate the medical jargon and to lend a shoulder to cry.

And what about a beloved patient languishing in the hospital for days on end? The delight in their eyes when they realize who has come to visit is invaluable and makes the effort worthwhile and rewarding.
Moreover, patients and family are not always ready to share their diagnosis with others. Be it to maintain their privacy and confidentiality or to spare vulnerable family members and friends the grief and anguish this news would inevitably cause. Refuah Helpline is their only ally and confidant. Patients feel comfortable discussing their most intimate concerns and uncertainties. A burden shared is a burden halved.